Gigazine -'s First Annual Blog Index

Created by Satoshi Yamasaki and Mazaki Keito of Osaka, Gigazine is Japan's most popular blog, a sumptuous daily feast of eye candy bundled in a bright shiny wrapper. Gigazine previews the latest trends in cell phones, video games, junk food, fashion, toys, and consumer products from Japan and across the Pacific rim. If you're not checking out Gigazine regularly, you probably missed the spiffy David Beckham condoms from China (which presumably let the users "bend it like Beckham"), or the full sized luxury sports car model knitted entirely from wool, or the new chili flavored shrimp being served at Asian Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets. Gigazine is not some Westernized view of Japanese pop culture; it's the exotic East proudly presenting its shiny self to the world. And from here, it looks very, very cool. Since the blog is written entirely in Japanese, you'll need to view the text through an online translator such as Google. The often less-than perfect translations add another weird layer to a decidedly foreign experience.

Sample Gigazine Post: (Translated from Japanese) In America, a plane while sleeping in a strange man was fluid on women seeking damages has been filed with the airline.

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